Wednesday, January 19, 2011

SQL Joins

How to give alias name to table?
Ans: Select * from sailor S;        
Here S is given alias name to sailor table.

How to give alias name to column?
Ans: Select Sid as id from sailor;
Here id is given as alias name to sid column of sailor table.

Types of Join:
(1)   Self Join
(2)   Simple Join
(3)   Outer Join

(1) Self Join:
            When table join it self then it is known as self join.


(1) Select from reserves r1, reserves r2 where r1.sid =;
(2) Select e1.ename as employee, e2.ename as manager from emp e1, emp e2
where e1.empno = e2.mgrno;

(2) Simple Join:
            When two table joins to each other for extracting data it is known as simple join.


(1) Select S.Sname from sailor S, Reserves R Where S.sid = R.sid and;
(2) Select B.Color from Boat B, Sailor S, Reserves R Where B.Bid = R.Bid and
R.Sid = S.Sid and S.Sname = 'abc';

(3) Outer Join:
            When + operator is use with join it is known as outer join.

(1) Select S.Sname from Sailor S, Reserves R where S.sid = R.sid (+);
// This Query display only those records whose does not belong to reserves table but belongs to sailor table.

(2) Select S.Sname from Sailor S, Reserves R where S.sid (+) = R.sid;
// This Query display only those records whose does not belong to sailor table but belongs to reserves table.

Note: We can not put + at both side of condition.

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