Wednesday, January 19, 2011

PL/SQL Block Syntax

Following is syntax for general block,
          variable, constant, cursor etc. declaration
           (SQL, PLSQL) executable statements
           error handling code
·       The different parts/sections of a PL/SQL block are discussed as below.
·       The declare section contains the definitions of variables and other objects such as constants and cursors etc.
·       This section is an optional part of a PL/SQL block.
·       The procedure section contains conditional commands and SQL statements and is where the block is controlled.
·       This section is the only mandatory part of a PL/SQL block.
·       The exception section tells the PL/SQL block how to handle specified errors and user-defined exceptions.
·       This section is an optional part of a PL/SQL block.
·       Following is example.
SQL> set serveroutput on;
SQL> declare
                pi constant number(9,7) := 3.1415926;
r number(5);
                area number(14,2);
                R:= &r;
                area := pi * power(r,2);
SQL> /
Enter value for r: 2
old   6: R:= &r;
new  6: R:= 2;
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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