Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Difference between SQL and PL/SQL

1.SQL stands for Structured Query Language, which does not have procedural programming capability. PL/SQL stands for Procedural Structured Query Language. Which have advantage over SQL.
2.SQL does not support looping.PL/SQL supports looping concept.
3.SQL does not provide user friendly error message. Through PL/SQL user can give user friendly error messages.
4.SQL supports single line interactive mode. PL/SQL supports multiline interactive mode, it means through single key stroke any statement can executed multiple times.
5.If you send a series of SQL statements to the server in standard SQL, the server executes them one at a time in sequential order. So it takes more time than PL/SQL.PL/SQL allows you to write interactive, user-friendly programs that can pass values into variables. SQL statements can be processed simultaneously for better overall performance. So it takes less time than SQL.
6.No Programming flexibility available with SQL. Programmers can divide functions into logical blocks of code. Modular programming techniques support flexibility during the application development.

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