Question: Solve the following query using the below tables.
- Suppliers(Sid: integer, Sname: string, address: string)
- Parts(Pid: integer, Pname: string, color: string)
- Catalog(Sid: integer, Pid: integer, cost: real)
(1) Find the name of suppliers who supply some red part.
Select Sname from Suppliers where Sid in
(Select Sid from Catalog Where Pid in
(Select Pid from Parts where lower(color)=’red’));
Select S.Sname from Suppliers S, Catalog C, Parts P Where S.Sid = C.Sid and C.Pid = P.Pid and lower(P.color)=’red’;
(2) Find the Sids of suppliers who supply some red or some green parts.
Select Sname from Suppliers where Sid in
(Select Sid from Catalog Where Pid in
(Select Pid from Parts where lower(color)=’red’ or lower(color)=’green’));
Select S.Sname from Suppliers S, Catalog C, Parts P Where S.Sid = C.Sid and C.Pid = P.Pid and (lower(P.color)=’red’ or lower(P.color)=’green’);
(3) Find the Sids of suppliers who supply some red part or are at 220 Packer street .
Select Sname from Suppliers where Sid in
(Select Sid from Catalog Where Pid in
(Select Pid from Parts where lower(color)=’red’)) or
lower(address)=lower(’220 Packer street ’);
Select S.Sname from Suppliers S, Catalog C, Parts P Where (S.Sid = C.Sid and C.Pid = P.Pid and lower(P.color)=’red’) or (lower(S.address)=lower(’220 Packer street ’));
(4) Find Sids of Suppliers who supply some red and some green parts.
Select Sname from Suppliers where Sid in
(Select Sid from Catalog Where Pid in
(Select Pid from Parts where lower(color)=’red’)) and Sid in
(Select Sid from Catalog Where Pid in
(Select Pid from Parts where lower(color)=’green’));
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